Link Me?
My web sisters page! Go here, see good things!
My best friends site. And a kick ass artist, if your anyone who knows about furry, then this is the place to be!
Silverwing's site Sweet stuff, shes me sis so be nice!
Damn sweet art here. Must see!
Jocelyn Dunn's art She got great art too.
YERF Clean furry art. But a huge amount of artists.
VCL More artists.
Team Artail Oooo lookie kids, more art.
Fang A Japanese furry achive.
Carnival's page is finally up!! She's my second bestest friend.
Utena Fanfiction Repository Best fanfiction site around.
Anipike For all your anime needs :)
Calyx Of Heaven Great downloads and art
Best Juri site around, must vist!!
BUDS Of Glass Great art site and tons of scans!! Sketchs by artists for Utena!!
Anti-Trunks Yay!! Best site for trunks haters! I'm the Vice prez.
WEEEEE!!! SESSHOMARU-SAMA!!! Just click the pretty orange writing at the bottom of the pic! Another Sess site.
SHOUJO-AI Archive If it offends you, THEN I DON'T CARE!! HAHAHAH I LOVE IT ALL!!
Yay. She pestered me so here it is. Her arts very good so go look...or I'll come out there and RIP YOUR BL**DY ARMS OFF!!!!
The Uh-Oh dojo is Daniel's site, I've met him and he used to live down here. His art great, but it's gota PG to M-ish rating me thinks...
POLYKARBON The best sit for tutorials ever! It has a gallery and a tut. page!
ADAM WARREN I worship the ground this man walks on, he and Fred Perry are the best.
CHEETAHOLICS.NET Got the best links ever for any Perry junk.
Kyoht is a brilliant were artist. She has her own opinions on furry art that certainly make good sense. And she's got a great sense of humor.
Goldie was the first were artist I ever saw and her art spawned and helped create my own. Her pictures are magnificent.
'Nother were artist. She's good too.
Invader Natom She's my other sissy-ter, she does ZIM! ZIM DAMN YOU! Go's good.
DRAGONLANCE LINKS Can anyone say 'Sweet'? heaps of fan art and kickass information, not to mention role playing! What can I say? Go here...
RAISTLIN'S DOMAIN Raistlin's good...My first bish. Yummy
Tower Of High Sorcery, Palanthas One Raistlin site among many. But good.
The movie page, some info on it. But no kabana.
Complete Kingdom Of Slash Name says it all. Great written love hentai.